Application process and Grants

Application process

The Ordinary Members of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities are entitled to submit proposals for the use of the Foundation’s resources or applications for funding. An application is submitted to the Foundation, in no prescribed form, in which the content and funding requirements of the project are explained. The funding plan must also state any resources which have been provided by other parties, or for which application has been made.

The Foundation initially presents the applications to the President of the Academy, who states his position on the matter, and then the Steering Committee of the Foundation decides on the use of the funds. Funding applications may be submitted to the Foundation until the end of September. The funding takes place in the following year. The decision is generally taken at the session of the Steering Committee held in the context of the Einstein Day celebration (November/ December). Applicants will be informed in writing of the Steering Committee’s decision.


Applicants whose funding applications are evaluated positively will receive a written notice of grant in the year of application. The funds are available in the following year from 01.01 to 30.11. If the funding is required later than this, the Board of the Foundation is to be informed by 30.11. The funding may remain available for at most one further year (deadline: 30.11.). Thereafter the entitlement to claim the funding lapses.

After the completion of the funded project, the Steering Committee is to be presented with: a report at least one page in length, materials produced by the funded project (invitations, posters, lists of participants, volume of conference papers, published edition, etc.) and a report of the expenditure of the funds (itemised accounts).

Questions on the application, grant and accounting processes should be put directly to the Executive Director of the Foundation, Renate Nickel.

Dr. Karin Elisabeth Becker
Leiterin des Präsidialbüros
Tel.: +49 (0)30 20370 241 
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin
© 2025 Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften