Research Projects and Software

In addition to working with the Humanities projects of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW), TELOTA - IT/DH develops digital research projects and participates in national and international activities of the Digital Humanities.

correspSearch - Connecting Scholarly Editions of Letters

About the project

ediarum - an easy tool for editing manuscripts with TEI/XML

To the project description

Joint project with the German Federal Archives for an editing and publishing system

To the project page (in German)

Cultural heritage as Linked Open Data - Pilot project for the Census

To the project description (in German)


To the publication index


10 Years TELOTA (2001)

Report of the event (in German)

Grötschel, Martin & Neumann, Gerald. (2011). 10 Jahre TELOTA. Jahrbuch 2011/BBAW. Berlin 2012. S. 202-215. [PDF ]

Alexander Czmiel
TELOTA - Digital Humanities
Tel.: +49 (0)30 20370 276 
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin
© 2024 Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften