Open Science and Research Data Management

Open Access, Open Source, Open Data - these concepts represent a scientific community that makes its work transparent and freely available, and is referred to as Open Science. The members and staff of the Academy are convinced that the Open Science path should be consistently pursued and continued. This goal is to be achieved in a long-term, continuous process that includes several components that differ in content and technical-organizational aspects. Since July 2020, a research goup "Research Data Management" addresses the aspect of Open Data and works on a comprehensive concept for the management, publication and archiving of all research data at BBAW.

Open Science Mission Statement

With its »Open Science Mission Statement« (2019), the BBAW is committed to the free accessibility of publicly funded research and thus strives for transparent scientific work, interdisciplinary cooperation and the sustainable preservation of research results.

Open document

Licensing Guidelines

As early as 2013, the BBAW board of directors adopted a licensing guideline for printed and digital publications as well as for research data and research software, which was published in a revised version in 2020.

Open document

Research Data Management

The research group RDM is developing a concept for managing, publishing, and archiving all of BBAW's research data, supporting its employees in planning and implementing their project-specific research data management, and finding solutions for the long-term archiving of data.

National Research Data Infrastructure

Information on the participation of the BBAW in the NFDI initiative will follow shortly.

edoc-Server of the Academy

Alexander Czmiel
TELOTA - Digital Humanities
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10117 Berlin
© 2025 Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften