BBAW digital

BBAW digital presents all activities and services of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) that use and further develop digital methods and tools: from research, development and consulting in the field of Digital Humanities to Open Science activities and IT-infrastructure.


The BBAW is constantly involved in the field of Digital Humanities through events, publications, lectures and collaborations at the national and international levels.

to the news-page (in german)

Digital Humanities

The BBAW develops digital resources and tools for the Humanities, including scholarly editions, collections and dictionaries.

Digital Humanities

TELOTA – Digital Humanities

TELOTA - The Electronic Life Of The Academy supports on the one hand the Humanities projects in the BBAW and is active in research and software development in the field of Digital Humanities.



The Centre for Digital Lexicography of the German Language develops a digital information system that provides a comprehensive and reliable description of German vocabulary and its constant changes over time.


Open Science and Research Data Management

The BBAW actively supports the Open Science movement to assure sustainability of digital research data. The BBAW is a partner in the NFDI consortium Text+.

Open Science


The IT team maintains the digital infrastructure of the BBAW to allow for digital research and administration.

Alexander Czmiel
TELOTA - Digital Humanities
Tel.: +49 (0)30 20370 276 
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin


We thank all artists of the platform Pexels  for providing license-free images that we used on BBAW digital and its subpages.

© 2025 Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften