edoc server

Since late 2006, the BBAW has operated its own edoc server, as part of its Open Access commitment. Until 2009 this server was managed by the computer and media service of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin under a cooperation contract. Since early 2010 the content has been transferred to the OPUS  system operated by the Cooperative Library Network Berlin-Brandenburg (KOBV) .

The edoc server is part of the Digital Library of the BBAW. It is intended to serve as a platform with which the staff and members of the BBAW can (pre-)publish electronic documents. Not only written material, but also images, sound and film can be placed on the edoc server.

The edoc server’s particular responsibility is to enable the public's easy access to the electronic resources of the BBAW. Extensive search and indexing functions are available for this purpose. Whenever a new document is placed on the server, various metadata can be provided with it, such as the author’s name or publication date. Before the documents are released, the staff of the Academy Library check and complete the details to scholarly library standards. In addition, text documents are automatically indexed so that a search can be made of the entire text and not just of the metadata.


As well as publishing the findings of the BBAW, the edoc server also preserve these publications for the long term. By automatically assigning a reference known as the Uniform Resource Name, which is registered with the German National Library, the groundwork is laid for the long-term archiving of the documents held on the server. This reference makes it possible to locate the publication again, no matter where it is physically preserved.
The BBAW’s edoc server also provides the metadata of the publications to various international search engines through an interface of the Open Archives Initiative , making an important contribution to network building between the BBAW and other institutional repositories.


The certification of the edoc server by the German Initiative for Network Information (DINI ) is being prepared.





Alexander Czmiel
TELOTA - Digital Humanities
Tel.: +49 (0)30 20370 276
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin
© 2024 Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften