The search includes the website, the central web offer of the BBAW, but not the specialized and extensive offers of the archive and library, nor the digital publications of the individual research projects.
The BBAW uses the open source search technology Solr. The entered search term (hit) receives a score in points (score). The results are sorted in descending order.
Top hits: The further forward the searched word appears in the title, teaser or main content area, the higher its score.
Most recent hits: The topicality is weighted according to the date of creation. Newest entries appear at the top.
The BBAW is constantly involved in the field of Digital Humanities through events, publications, lectures and cooperations at the national and international levels.
Since 2017, the DH Colloquium has been held at the BBAW, usually on the first Friday of the month from 5 to 7 pm, in order to further intensify the interdisciplinary dialogue in Digital Humanities in Berlin and beyond.
Collaboration and involvement in national and international DH
Through its staff and institutional memberships, the BBAW is active in the following working groups, associations and consortia in the digital humanities (among others):