
The Senate serves to link the Academy to society. It is an advisory organ. The members of the Senate may be persons from academia, civil society, business or politics. The Senate observes the Academy’s effect in society and advises it in identifying at an early stage themes that will be important to society. It also engages society on behalf of the Academy and its concerns. Prior to the election of the President, the Senate is entitled to a hearing.


Members of the Senate

Andreas Barner, Theresia Bauer, Heidi Blattmann, Karamba Diaby, Bundespräsident a. D. Joachim Gauck, Johann Christian Jacobs, Tatjana König, Wilhelm Krull (Chairman), Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller, Martina Münch, Kai Uwe Peter, Nathalie von Siemens

Dr. Karin Elisabeth Becker
Leiterin des Präsidialbüros
Tel.: +49 (0)30 20370 241
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin
© 2025 Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften