The Interdisciplinary Research Group (IAG) is dedicated to the global future of our food and nutrition, and its role in disease prevention.

Feeding the world's growing population is increasingly at risk. Quantity and quality of globally available food is insufficient; many people are threatened by hunger or malnutrition. Although it is known since antiquity that a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle have positive effects on our health, the incidences of nutrition-related diseases is increasing worldwide.

But what does ‘healthy’ actually mean? Science does not (yet) provide a definitive answer. Many of the ingredients in foods are unknown, as is their interaction in and with our bodies, which are all different. However, the fact that our nutrition plays an important role in disease prevention and early therapy has been proven by numerous scientific studies.

Taking into account all methods and technologies currently available, the IAG will first analyze the current state of research on food quality and food production, as well as the status of our food system. It will summarize verified scientific findings on factors and ingredients that influence the quality of our diet, and how nutrition affects our body and our health. It then seeks to identify future opportunities for secure production of healthier and sustainable food in the age of climate change and global crises. Ultimately, recommendations for action in science, society and politics will be formulated.

Dr. Constanze Bickelmann
Wissenschaftl. Koordinatorin
Ernährung Gesundheit, Prävention
Tel.: +49 (0)30 20370 643 
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin
© 2025 Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften