This research office is the archive and central editorial office of the first critical edition with commentary of the complete works of Karl Philipp Moritz (1756–1793). 

Karl Philipp Moritz is a key figure in German literary and intellectual history, bridging the Enlightenment, and the Neoclassical and Romantic movements. As a schoolteacher at the Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster in Berlin and as a member of both Berlin Academies (the Academy of the Arts and the Academy of Sciences), he produced an original and varied oeuvre that includes both literary works and theoretical writings on aesthetics, pedagogy, psychology, linguistics and the study of the ancient world. Goethe regarded Moritz as a ‘younger brother’ and valued his advice in questions of literary and artistic theory. He engaged in debate with Herder, Schiller, Moses Mendelssohn, Johann Gottfried Schadow and many other major figures in the intellectual life of Weimar and Berlin. Jean Paul had planned to write a biography of this much admired friend, which would have given a comprehensive account of his achievements; another century and a half passed before Moritz was rediscovered by Arno Schmidt.

The edition (Kritische Karl-Philipp-Moritz-Ausgabe) will comprise 13 volumes and will contain the author’s complete works, letters and the testimonia to his life, as well as comprehensive documentation of Moritz’ activity in the two Academies. The editorial work is assisted by a computerised, structured database of full-texts. A bibliography of Moritz and detailed information on his life and works are available online.

This long-term Academy Project is part of the Research Centre for Prussia and Berlin at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

PD Dr. Martin Disselkamp
Moritz Kritische Gesamtausgabe
Tel.: +49 (0)30 20370 434
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin
© 2025 Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften