Das blaustichige Bild zeigt eine Nahaufnahme eines Serverracks mit mehreren leuchtenden Netzwerkgeräten und angeschlossenen Ethernet-Kabeln, die eine moderne Rechenzentrumsumgebung darstellen. © Mining Rig
Foto von Mining Rig, https://www.pexels.com/de-de/foto/nahaufnahme-foto-von-mining-rig-1148820/

The aim of the initiative is to develop a research-driven concept for establishing a data centre at the BBAW.

The digital transformation of research in the humanities and social sciences is transforming not only methods of research, but also research results and presentation. These profound changes require an innovative, digitally supported structuring of the research environment. It is therefore crucially important for the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities to establish a Data Centre. The aim is to ensure the Academy's strategic readiness for the future and sustainably enhance its scientific excellence, its ability to collaborate across disciplines and its public impact.

The “Data Centre” initiative addresses this challenge. It will underpin process of setting up a data centre by developing a research-driven concept. The aim is to ensure a structured set-up and at the same time promote the sustainable integration of AI methods into research in the humanities.

The Data Centre will be developed in close cooperation with relevant stakeholders, academic partners and users. Close interaction, supported by academic expertise, will ensure that the specific requirements of different disciplines and their methodologies with regard to data management and storage are integrated into the development and structure of the Data Centre.

Markus Schnöpf
Wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter
TELOTA - Digital Humanities
Tel.: +49 (0)30 20370 504
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin
© 2025 Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften