This Research Group aims to inspire children and young people to take an interest in science and scholarship, because the foundations for a later interest and enthusiasm for research are laid at an early age. To meet its goal of inspiring new generations of researchers, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities has developed a wealth of activities for school students of all age groups.

The ‘Schülerlabor Geisteswissenschaften’ (Humanities Lab for School Students) and the ‘GeistesWERKstatt’ (Humanities Workshop) communicate the rich variety of the humanities today. In the ‘Schülerlabor Geisteswissenschaften’ – an activity format that was created at the Academy – school students in the senior years of secondary school can try out topics and methods from the humanities in a practical way. During the ‘GeistesWERKstatt’, an annual summer academy, those who are especially motivated and well-prepared work with young scholars or scientists intensively for a week on a topic that bridges academic disciplines.

In the ‘Academy Lectures in Brandenburg Schools’ members and staff of the Academy visit schools in Brandenburg and present their current research. Together with the Freie Universität Berlin the Academy is striving to reinvigorate science teaching in primary schools. It also runs science competitions and many of its events include activities for younger participants.

The Academy invites both learners and teachers to discover the fascinating world of science and scholarship.

Dr. Ute Tintemann
Leiterin Referat IAG
Referat Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppen
Tel.: +49 (0)30 20370 633 
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin
© 2025 Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften