correspSearch - Connecting Scholarly Editions of Correspondence

How correspSearch works.

With correspSearch , TELOTA has developed a web service that enables cross-project searches for edited correspondences. With the help of correspSearch, researchers can search hundreds of digital and printed letter editions using various criteria, such as sender, recepient, gender, place etc.

The web service aggregates and analyses files in the Correspondence Metadata Interchange Format  (CMIF), which is based on the TEI extension correspDesc  of the TEI Correspondence SIG . The person and place search is based on IDs from authority files, such as the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library or the Bibliothèque National de France (BnF). This is the only way to identify persons and places across projects.

The data collected by the web service can be accessed and reused via an open, freely licenced and documented API.

The development of correspSearch has been funded by the German Research Foundation (project no. 331658768  (finished) and 491395612  (ongoing))


Every scholarly edition of correspondence can provide its metadata in the ‘Correspondence Metadata Interchange Format for correspSearch’. You can find out how this works here .


Every scholarly edition of correspondence can provide its metadata in the ‘Correspondence Metadata Interchange Format for correspSearch’. You can find out how this works here .

Cake for ten years of correspSearch

2024 marks the 10th anniversary of correspSearch. We have looked back over the last decade in a blog post.

To the blog post
Alexander Czmiel
TELOTA - Digital Humanities
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