Transdisziplinärer Workshop:
Information, Control and Communication
Die Junge Akademie, AG Information

10. - 12. April 2008

Tagungsstätte Harnack-Haus, Ihnestraße 16-20, 14195 Berlin

Transdisziplinärer Workshop der AG Information (Die Junge Akademie)

Information, Control and Communication

The working group "Information" of Die Junge Akademie an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina is planning an transdisciplinary workshop entitled "Information, Control and Communication" to be held in Berlin on April 10-12, 2008. This workshop will bring together eminent scientists from a range of different disciplines such as game theory, neuroscience, machine learning, knowledge engineering, and quantum physics to discuss the application of information theory in their different disciplines, as well as the limitations and challenges of current concepts in their fields of research.

List of confirmed Speakers and Topics:

Carl T. Bergstroem, University of Washington/Santa Fe Institute
Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology

Andreas Buchleitner, Universität Freiburg
Nonlinear dynamics in quantum systems

Georg Gottlob, Oxford University and TU Wien
Data extraction, Knowledge representation and reasoning

Joseph Halpern, Cornell University
Reasoning with knowledge and uncertainty

David MacKay, Cambridge
Machine learning and Information Theory

Bob Rescorla, University of Pennsylvania
Animal Learning

Raul Rojas, FU Berlin
Artificial Intelligence

Michael Shadlen, University of Washington
Statistical Inference by Neurons

Tim Van Zandt, INSEAD, Politics and Economy
Information Processing in Organizations, Bounded rationality

Anton Zeilinger, Universität Wien
Quantum Experiments and Foundations of Physics

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