The Developmental Origins of Selective Trust

Paul B. Baltes Lecture 2016

12. Oktober 2016

Akademiegebäude am Gendarmenmarkt, Leibniz-Saal, Markgrafenstraße 38, 10117 Berlin

Social learning is widespread in animals. It reaches a zenith in the unique cumulative culture of humans. Although social learning is a potentially cheap way of acquiring information, it comes with certain pitfalls. In the lecture evidence for model-based learning biases in young children and infants will be provided, including a precocious sensitivity to the trustworthiness of speakers.

The Developmental Origins of Selective Trust
The Developmental Origins of Selective Trust

Social learning, defined as learning that is influenced by observation of or interaction with another individual, is widespread in animals. It reaches a zenith in the unique cumulative culture of humans. Although social learning is a potentially cheap way of acquiring information, it comes with pitfalls because the acquired information might be outdated, misleading, or inappropriate. In the lecture evidence for model-based learning biases in young children and infants will be provided, including a precocious sensitivity to the trustworthiness of speakers.



The Developmental Origins of Selective Trust

Diane Poulin-Dubois

Concordia University, Montréal, Canada

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