Text and Paratext on Roll and Codex

Öffentliche Abendveranstaltung

26. September 2017

Akademiegebäude am Gendarmenmarkt, Einstein-Saal, Jägerstraße 22/23, 10117 Berlin
Text and Paratext on Roll and Codex
Text and Paratext on Roll and Codex

The lecture begins with an exploration of some of the spatial and temporal complexities that are involved in a traditional form of impagination in the Western tradition in which a centrally situated text is accompanied by surrounding paratextual materials (for example, commentary, critical apparatus, translation, footnotes).

It then goes on to consider the development in modes of impagination from earlier ancient Greek and Roman layouts on papyrus and in rolls to late ancient ones on parchment and in codices, and asks to what extent the specific nature of the materiality of these bearers of the texts and paratexts might have played a decisive role in this development.


Please register until 19.09. at: www2.bbaw.de/anmeldung-paratext




Dietmar Wyrwa




Text and Paratext on Roll and Codex

Glenn W. Most
SNS Pisa, University of Chicago und MPI Berlin 

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