Sustainable Development Goals: Good Health for All


30. Oktober 2019

Akademiegebäude am Gendarmenmarkt, Leibniz-Saal, Markgrafenstraße 38, 10117 Berlin

Die 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) sind politische Zielsetzungen der UN, die eine nachhaltige Entwicklung auf ökonomischer, sozialer sowie ökologischer Ebene sicher stellen sollen. Sie beschreiben eine bemerkenswert holistische Sicht auf die Erhaltung der Vielfalt des Lebens und der Gesundheit der Menschen. Das geplante Symposium informiert über den aktuellen Stand der Umsetzung der SDGs, insbesondere zum SDG3: "Gesundes Leben für alle“.

Sustainable Development Goals: Good Health for All
Sustainable Development Goals: Good Health for All

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations (UN) provide the framework for an international program to “save our planet and our future”. Next to the UN and the World Health Organization, leading nations, NGOs, private foundations and other key organizations play an increasingly supportive role in achieving the 17 SDGs. Witnessing this common effort is extremely encouraging, as global problems can only be solved by transdisciplinary, cross-sectoral, and science-based concerted actions. Hence, science has to take responsibility! Research and innovative technologies already shape our future, and this process is gathering speed. We have to make sure that today’s amazing achievements are being used for the collective good.


Health is what people are most concerned about, both on a personal level, as well as across society. While only the third SDG explicitly demands “good health and well-being for all people: ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”, health is a recurring theme through all 17 SDGs: from the first SDG “no poverty” and second SDG “no hunger” all the way to SDG16 “peace, justice and strong institutions” and SDG17 “partnerships for the goals”. Thus, SDG3 with its focus on health connects all SDGs with each other. Indeed, health serves as an excellent entry point for understanding the SDGs in their complexity, as it is of utmost importance for both the individual and society as a whole.


Unifying theories and holistic concepts have the charm of reducing complexity. One of the most revolutionary unifying theories is Darwin’s hypothesis on natural selection and the origin of species. Over the last years, a raft of new methods has helped turning this hypothesis into an exact science. Thus, insights gained by genomics, genetics, and the molecular analysis of the evolution of plants, animals, and man lead to a new science of life. It has been termed “Evolutionary Medicine” and “Evolutionary Global Health” and provides a novel perception on human biology: It explains why we are the way we are, why people are frail and why we get sick. Most importantly, it helps us comprehending how to better preserve health – as opposed to merely focusing on the treatment of diseases.


Recent years have seen tremendous advances in our understanding of biological processes. We owe this progress in great part to developments in genetic techniques, steady improvements in imaging technology, and new molecular tools. Ultimately, our better understanding of the evolution of life on earth on genomic and molecular levels has taken us to a point where we have to integrate the complex interactions between our biology, the environment, as well as lifestyle and our behavior. This, however, produces a scientific rationale for a holistic approach to health and disease.For example, it is the misalignment between our evolutionary ‘old’ biology and our modern, fast-changing, man-made environment (e.g. urbanization and nutrition with processed food products) that helps to explain the emergence of civilization diseases.


Thus, on the one hand our deeper insights into human biology resulted in a much better grasp of health and disease through new biomarkers, improved prediction and prevention, systemic medicine, network medicine, precision medicine, one health, and global health. On the other hand, medical staff now faces ever-increasing pressure, sprawling costs and accelerated specialization, thereby losing sight of the patient as a whole. What we need today is a holistic view on ourselves that considers together the three decisive factors for each individual’s well-being: biology (genetic disposition, cellular mechanisms…), environment (economy, culture, education, climate...), and personal lifestyle and behaviour (nutrition, exercise…).

Our symposium will shed light on the progress realized so far concerning the implementation of the SDGs in politics. Furthermore, we will raise awareness about the importance of the intertwined biology-environment-lifestyle-complex for our health – especially regarding disease prevention and health preservation.

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten bis zum 23.10. unter folgendem Link

Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt.




Welcoming Address
Martin Grötschel
President of BBAW

Detlev Ganten
Member of BBAW
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Session 1: SGDs – International Development
Chair: Roopa Dhatt
Women in Global Health, Washington D.C.

Keynote: The Sustainable Development Goals Challenge
Alex Harris
Wellcome Trust, London


Evolutionary Biology is Crucial for Achieving SDGs
Randolph Nesse
Arizona State University, Tempe (USA)

The Privat Sector and the SDGs
Mujaheed Shaikh
Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

Panel Discussion, Questions & Answers

Lunch Break

Session 2: SDGs – National Developments (Focus on Germany & Europe)
Jutta Allmendinger
Member of BBAW
President, WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Reinhard Schäfers
World Health Summit, Berlin

Keynote: Role of Academia to Achieve the SDGs
Patrice Debré
Académie Nationale de Médecine, Paris

Statements from Science, Medicine, and Politics & Discussion
Veronika von Messling
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Berlin
Gottfried von Gemmingen
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Berlin
Alexander Schmidt-Gernig
German Federal Ministry of Health, Berlin
Klaus Reinhardt
President, German Medical Association, Berlin
Wolfgang Holzgreve
InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), Bonn
Oliver Razum
Bielefeld University



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