Normative Criteria of Dealing with Migration to Germany


31. Januar 2019

Akademiegebäude am Gendarmenmarkt, Leibniz-Saal, Markgrafenstraße 38, 10117 Berlin

How can we deal with migration to Germany today? What responsibilities should we assign to our state and society regarding migrants not protected under the refugee convention? Chaired by Reinhard Merkel (Hamburg) and Julian Nida-Rümelin (München), we discuss normative criteria that may guide answers to these questions from a juridical and philosophical perspective. The symposium will be held in English. Joint Symposium of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Normative Criteria of Dealing with Migration to Germany
Normative Criteria of Dealing with Migration to Germany

How can we deal with migration to Germany today? What responsibilities should we assign to our state and society regarding migrants not protected under the refugee convention? Chaired by Reinhard Merkel and Julian Nida-Rümelin, we will discuss normative criteria that may guide answers to these questions from a juridical and philosophical perspective.

Migration is a response to global differences in life chances to which the success of the European economic and political nation-state model has contributed (Thomas Faist). The right and ability to migrate are also subject to global inequalities. “Marketization of citizenship” (Ayelet Shachar) and the increasing social separation of economic elites (Olivier Godechot) are features to be discussed.

Statehood and citizenship are part of the framework for collective struggles over the distribution of wealth and the establishment of social protection for the poor. The European Union has extended some rights to EU citizens beyond national borders but not established yet a legal mechanism for dealing with non-EU migration (Martin Nettesheim). Given the limitations of regulating migration nationally or by bilateral treaties, a tension has arisen between jurisdiction and political demand (Daniel Thym). It remains open what kind of institutional multilateral response to global inequalities and migration is desirable and will be possible.


Um Anmeldung wird gebeten bis zum 30.01. unter diesem Link


Welcome and Introduction
Reinhard Merkel
Member of Leopoldina, Universität Hamburg

Julian Nida-Rümelin
Member of BBAW
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Part 1 Ethical-philosophical Dimension
Chair: Julian Nida-Rümelin

The Migration of Immigration Policies: The Case of the Highly-Skilled
Ayelet Shachar
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen

What Do Democracies Owe to Migrants?
David Miller
University of Oxford


Coffee break

Part 2 Legal Dimension
Chair: Reinhard Merkel


Migration and Community – Coordination of Competing. Normative Frames in International Law, EU Law and German Law
Martin Nettesheim
University of Tübingen


Towards Transnational Migration Governance in Europe and Beyond
Daniel Thym
University of Konstanz



Lunch break

Part 3 Social Sciences Dimension
Chair: Anna Knoll
European Centre for Development, Maastricht


The Great Separation: Segregation at Workin Ten Countries
Olivier Godechot
MaxPo - Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instability in Market Societies, Paris

The Moral Polity of (Forced) Migration: Implications for Borders and Boundaries
Thomas Faist
Bielefeld University




Coffee break


Discussion and Wrap-up

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