Digital Classicist Seminar – How to Read Latin like a Computer: A case study of Latin noun chunking with SpaCy

Digital Classicist Seminar

16. Januar 2024

Raum 07W04, Staatsbibliothek, Unter den Linden 8, Akademieflügel

What are the strategies that people use to read Latin? What are the strategies that computer models used to “read”—that is, to process—Latin? And what we can learn about one from the other?

This talk by Patrick Burns (New York University) builds on my experience of reading Dexter Hoyos’s 2016 book Latin: How to Read it Fluently while training Latin language models for use with the natural language processing platform spaCy (i.e. LatinCy). Hoyos recommends a practice of reading that works left-to-right—from the first word of a sentence to its last—proceeding toward incremental and increasing awareness of the syntactic and semantic structures of the text.

The corresponding workshop will take place on 17.1.: What you need to train a historical-language spaCy model

Der (virtuelle) Veranstaltungsraum und das weitere Programm sind hier publiziert:

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Das „Digital Classicist Seminar Berlin“ wird vom Zentrum Grundlagenforschung Alte Welt der BBAW in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Berliner Antike-Kolleg durchgeführt.

In der Seminarreihe werden Themen behandelt, die die innovative Anwendung moderner digitaler Methoden, Ressourcen und Techniken in den Altertumswissenschaften betreffen.

Markus Schnöpf
Wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter
TELOTA - Digital Humanities
Tel.: +49 (0)30 20370 504
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin
© 2025 Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften