Books and Quotes. Scientific Works and Scholarly Editions in the 2nd Century AD

Internationale Tagung

28. - 29. September 2012

Akademiegebäude am Gendarmenmarkt, Einstein-Saal, Jägerstrasse 22/23, 10117 Berlin

Did Galen and Ptolemy have access to scientific literature that was written before their time? What texts of Aristotle, Plato, Euclid, Hippocrates etc. but also of Hellenistic authors in all domains were read? How many copies were available, where and to whom? How were they quoted? What could the authors presuppose on the part of their readers? The conference concentrates on questions about the actual production and publication of scientific literature, as well as the availability and use of canonical or standard editions in the time of Galen and Ptolemy.

Books and Quotes. Scientific Works and Scholarly Editions in the 2nd Century AD
Books and Quotes. Scientific Works and Scholarly Editions in the 2nd Century AD

The conference concentrates on questions about the actual production and publication of scientific literature, as well as the availability and use of canonical or standard editions in the time of Galen and Ptolemy, considering questions such as: what texts of Aristotle, Plato, Euclid, Hippocrates etc. but also of Hellenistic authors in all domains were read? how many copies were available, where and to whom? how were they quoted? what could the authors presuppose on the part of their readers?


There has been quite a lot of discussion about single authors in particular fields in recent times, notably in connection with important new evidence which came to light with the rediscovery of Galen's De indolentia. It is hoped that the conference will help to broaden the perspective and integrate further evidence from Galen and other contemporary and nearly contemporary authors.


Confirmed speakers and participants include Véronique Boudon-Millot (Paris Sorbonne), Tiziano Dorandi (CNRS Paris), Myrto Hatzimichali (Exeter/Cambridge), Inna Kupreeva (Edinburgh), Matthew Nicholls (Reading), Nigel Wilson (Oxford).


The conference is supported by the Einstein Foundation and the Zentrum Grundlagenforschung Alte Welt of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. In cooperation with Liba Taub (Cambridge, Einstein Foundation Visiting Fellow Berlin).

13.30 Uhr

Bernd Seidensticker
Sprecher des Zentrums Grundlagenforschung
Alte Welt, BBAW

13.45 Uhr

Liba Taub
Cambridge / Topoi, Berlin

Roland Wittwer
Galen (CMG), BBAW


14.00 Uhr

Books as the basis for research
Nigel Wilson
Lincoln College, Oxford

14.45 Uhr

From Andronicus to Alexander:
the Aristotelian corpus in the second century AD

Myrto Hatzimichali
Exeter / Cambridge

15.45 Uhr

Texts and teaching: reading ancient
commentaries on Aristotle’s Meteorology

Inna Kupreeva

16.30 Uhr

Allusion, citation, recitation?
Forms of reference and quotation in Galen
Peter Singer

10.00 Uhr

Excursion to the Pergamum Museum, and to the

Topoi-Exhibition “Jenseits des Horizonts“
Gerd Graßhoff
Humboldt-Universität, Berlin

13.30 Uhr

The art of quotation in Galen:
on De indolentia and other texts

Veronique Boudon-Millot
Sorbonne, Paris

14.15 Uhr

Galen’s use of books and libraries
Matthew Nicholls

15.30 Uhr

Galen on ἔκδοσις :
some comments and afterthoughts

Tiziano Dorandi
CNRS, Paris

16.15 Uhr

Concluding discussion

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