Europe has been constantly reimagined – yet in facing the criminal and destructive war against Ukraine and all the tragedies resulting from it, the need for a more comprehensive rethinking toward a more open-minded and future-oriented cultural imaginary of Europe has become obvious. The Russian war of aggression has revealed the extent to which the existing expertise on countries so often bundled together under the misleading label “Eastern Europe” has been neglected and marginalised. Across Europe in general, but especially in Germany and its western neighbours, relevant research institutes have too often been closed and down-sized.
The countries in question are not “the East”. They lie in the north, south and centre of Europe and all of them belong to the core of the European landscape. Their complex histories are full of entanglements. Yet each history has unique characteristics – resulting in a rich diversity of cultures, academic systems, politics and the perspectives of the respective inhabitants.
Ignorance resulting from a failure to listen to the Europeans living in these diverse landscapes more closely and to engage with their manifold perspectives has had dire consequences. This must not happen again.
The time for new approaches is now. Many steps have already been taken, but we must not stop at “first aid”. The goal must be closer ties across borders and a new understanding of Europe. We – presidents of Academies and Universities, office holders from other academic institutions as well as politics and actors from civil society – are resolved to further this goal.
We are convinced that academia has to play a key role in such processes. Firstly, it offers the ideal prerequisites for such a transnational agenda because of its standards of openness, curiosity, willingness to cooperate, critical questioning and motivation to perform. Secondly, scholars use their academic expertise to question traditional seemingly self-evident truths in order to gain new perspectives and insight. Such abilities are urgently needed in the current situation – and they are especially embodied by younger excellent scholars.
We therefore formulate the following theses and declare that we want to advance in their spirit:
First Signatories
25. Rosenthal, Walter (German Rector's Conference, President)
26. Reuveni, Gideon (University of Sussex)
27. Orlando, Jennifer (University of Copenhagen)
28. Siemens, Daniel (Newcastle University)
29. Dietl, Monica (Initiative for Science in Europe)
30. Arnold, Patrick (University of Potsdam)
31. Kuch, Ulrike (Bauhaus-University Weimar, Vice President)
32. Reisner, Oliver (Ilia State University Tbilisi)
33. Gulbani, Otari (Central European University)
34. Kaiser, Markus (German-Kazakh University, President)
35. Römhildt, Roland (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
36. Ziegler, Günter M. (Freie Universität Berlin, President)
37. Savoy, Bénédicte (Technische Universität Berlin)
38. von den Hoff, Ralf (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Director)
39. Savchyn, Valentyna (Lund University)
40. Kaldjarv, Klaarika (University of Tartu, Estonia)
41. van Doorslaer, Luc (University of Tartu, Estonia)
42. Volt, Marek (University of Tartu, Estonia)
43. Grebinyk, Anna (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
44. Makarow, Marja (Academia Europaea, President)
45. Antohi, Sorin (Orbis Tertius Association Bucharest)
46. Vigneras, Marie (Universite de Paris-Cite)
47. Corbett, Greville (University of Surrey)
48. Fabiani, Jean (Central European University, Vienna)
49. Baldi, Andras
50. Shchyttsova, Tatiana (Affiliation: European Humanities University)
51. Gelenbe, Erol (Institute of Theoretical & Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
52. Burgelman, Jean-Claude (Frontiers Research Foundation, Free University of Brussles)
53. Paterson, David (University of Oxford)
54. Rüpke, Jörg (Max-Weber-Kolleg, University of Erfurt)
55. Navickaitė-Martinelli, Lina (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)
Click here to download the manifesto "Reclaiming Europe". (PDF, 239KB)
Roland Römhildt
Personal Assistant to the President / Officer for International Relations
Presidential Office
Tel.: +49 (0)30 20370 583
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin
Conversation with Christoph Markschies (UKR)