

Spatzek, Samira. Unruly Narrative: Private Property, Self-Making, and Toni Morrison’s A Mercy . Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2022.


Literatures, Communities, Worlds: Competing Notions of the Global, ed. by Dustin Breitenwischer, Frank Kelleter, Miltos Pechlivanos, Samira Spatzek, and Chunjie Zhang. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2025. .

COPAS: Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies , co-editor, 2016–2022.

with Cedric Essi, Gesine Wegner, Stephen Koetzing, and Paula von Gleich, editors. “White Supremacy in the United States,” Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies (COPAS) vol. 20, no. 2 (2019). 

with Marius Henderson, Jasmin Humburg, Julia Lange, Mariya Nikolova, and Paula von Gleich, editors. Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies (COPAS) vol. 18, no. 1 (2017). 

Aufsätze (peer-review)

Spatzek, Samira. “Post-Slavery Negotiations? On (Slave) Narrative and Impossible Stories in Toni Morrison’s A Mercy.” Reading and Narrating Post-Slavery, special issue of Slavery & Post-Slavery / Esclavages & Post-esclavages [online], no. 4, 10 May 2021. DOI: .

Spatzek, Samira, Cedric Essi, Gesine Wegner, Stephen Koetzing, and Paula von Gleich. “COPAS at Twenty:Interrogating White Supremacy in the United States and Beyond,” COPAS vol. 20, no. 2 (2019): pp.1–17. 

Spatzek, Samira, Marius Henderson, Jasmin Humburg, Julia Lange, Mariya Nikolova, and Paula von Gleich. “Editorial,” COPAS vol. 18, no. 1 (2017). 

Spatzek, Samira, and Paula von Gleich. “Meine Stadt und Versklavung? Spurensuche in Bremen” (My City
and Enslavement? A Search for Traces in Bremen), Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 50–51, 2015. . (edited version re-published in Hier und Jetzt! Kolonialismus und Kolonialrassismus im Unterricht, 2017, pp. 21–24.)

Spatzek, Samira. “‘Own Yourself, Woman’: Toni Morrison’s A Mercy, Early Modernity, and Property.” Black Studies Papers vol. 1, no. 1, 2014, pp. 57–71. 


Spatzek, Samira. “Grundlagentext einer transatlantischen Stilikone. Angela Davis’ Rassismus und Sexismus. Schwarze Frauen und Klassenkampf in den USA (1982).” Geisteswissenschaften, populär. Westdeutsche Schreibweisen, Lektürepraktiken, Verlagspolitiken um 1970, ed. Jörg Döring and Morten Paul, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. [in preparation, publication date: Fall 2024]

Spatzek, Samira. “Cultural Appropriation of “Race” and “Ethnicity” and the Fashion Industry.” The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Visual Culture, Vol. 1, Histories, Theories, Globalities, ed. Jane Kromm, Michael Gardiner, Julian Haladyn and Heike Raphael Hernandez, Oxford: Bloomsbury. [in preparation]

Spatzek, Samira. “Antebellum Racial Nostalgia, Wedding Culture, and US-American Fashion Journalism: Reading Kate Chopin’s Fiction in Vogue.” Marginality and Resistencia. Narratives of Alterity, Dissent, and Belonging in the Spanish-speaking World and Beyond, ed. Miguel Rivas Venegas and Martina L. Weisz, München: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2025. 


Spatzek, Samira. “Reading Vogue, Then and Now.” INSIGHTS: Scholarly Work at the Kluge Center, John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress, 1 April 2024, .


Spatzek, Samira. Rev. of On Property: Policing, Prisons, and the Call for Abolition, by Rinaldo Walcott. Amerikastudien/American Studies, vol. 68, no. 2, 2023, pp. 269–271. DOI: 

Spatzek, Samira. Rev. of Where is All My Relation? The Poetics of Dave the Potter, ed. by Michael A. Chaney. Anglia: Zeitschrift für englische Philologie, vol. 139, no.3, 2021, pp. 609–613. DOI: 

Spatzek, Samira. Rev. of They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South,
by Stephanie Jones-Rogers. Amerikastudien/American Studies, vol. 66, no. 3, 2021, pp. 535–537. DOI: .

Spatzek, Samira. “Tussen stelling en verwijzing: gender, seksualiteit en zwarte mannelijkheid tijdens de Harlem Renaissance.” Rev. of The Making of the New Negro, by Anna Pochmara. Vooys: Tijdschrift voor Letteren, vol. 30, no. 3, October 2012, pp. 79–82.


Spatzek, Samira, Wilderson, Frank B. III, and Paula von Gleich. “‘The Inside-Outside of Civil Society’: An Interview with Frank B. Wilderson, III.” Black Studies Papers, vol. 2, no.1, 2016, pp. 4–22. 


Wynter, Sylvia. “Die Kolonialität von Sein/Macht/Wahrheit/Freiheit erschüttern: Eine Streitschrift über das Menschliche.” Trans. Michel Büch and Samira Spatzek. Lateinamerikanische Kulturtheorien: Grundlagentexte, ed. Isabel Exner and Gudrun Rath, Konstanz: Konstanz UP, 2015.

Dr. Samira Spatzek
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